What does Egg Donation mean ?
Egg Donation is a process where a woman helps a couple move a step closer to their dream of parenthood. This process involves a number of medical screenings after which the woman can donate her eggs to help the desired couple raise their family. This is an effective third-party assisted reproduction technique which involves egg fertilization with the help of in vitro fertilization (IVF). IVF treatment in India is the best option for those experiencing fertility issues.
Egg donation process involves a series of blood tests and genetic screening of the woman who wishes to donate her eggs to ensure that there will be production of healthy eggs. At Seed ART Health, our egg donor agency in india maintains full-fledged information of the egg donors to provide you with the best suitable match. The Egg Donation process has an average success rate of about 25-40 %.
Egg Donation Process at Seed ART Health
We at Seed ART Health have come together to provide the best egg donor database to match your needs and make your parenthood dream true. The egg donation process involves a list of steps performed at Seed ART Health as follows:
1. Creating a Donor Profile : A detailed information is collected which primarily consists of personal and family medical history, educational background and physical aspects of the egg donor.
2. Medical Screening of the Donor : Once the suitable egg donor candidate is selected, a complete medical screening involving hormonal screening and ultrasound is done at the 2nd or 4th day of the menstrual cycle of the egg donor. These types of screenings help in determining the ability of the egg donor to produce healthy eggs for maximum pregnancy chances and to examine whether the egg donor is physically and mentally fit.
3. Post-screening evaluation : On this day, your medical screening test will be evaluated by the fertility specialist. Once this is done, your role as an egg donor will be checked upon in context of your reproduction potential and fertility potential.
4. Ovary stimulation for retrieval : At this stage, necessary medications are given to cause ovary stimulation and the egg donor will be in constant observation to keep an eye on the egg development. Once the eggs are almost developed, an injection of HCG (for release of eggs) is given to the egg donor. This process takes around 3 weeks for completion.
5. Extraction of eggs : After the HCG injection, it takes around 36 hours for the eggs to be prepared for retrieval. When the eggs are completely developed, the egg retrieval process takes place which lasts for 20 minutes only.
Seed ART Health has marked its presence worldwide as the most recognized egg donation agency in India with incredible success rates. A team of specialized experts, skilled doctors and staff are devoted to offer you the best egg donation experience and aspire to make your parenthood experience worthwhile and satisfactory.