Couples who are unable to have a baby due to fertility issues can still become parents. Usually couples resort to adoption to have their baby. But with the introduction of assisted reproduction technologies, one has a broader base of solution to choose from, especially surrogacy. Both adoption and surrogacy have their own pros and cons, considering their societal issues. However, couples can still choose surrogacy to have their own biological child. But sometimes it can be a tough choice to decide between surrogacy and adoption. Here are a few advantages of surrogacy over adoption.
Surrogacy is possible in two ways: Gestational Surrogacy and Traditional Surrogacy
Gestational Surrogacy
The surrogacy process in India is a complex process and involves two parties – intended parents and the surrogate (mother). The surrogate mother carries the baby to full term created from the human gametes – sperm and egg of the prospective parents. In case of surrogacy with egg donor, the eggs of the egg donor are used to create an embryo. The gestational surrogate has no genetic relations with the baby.
Traditional Surrogacy
The surrogate mother receives artificial insemination or IVF, which involves the sperm of the male parent or sperm donor. The eggs of the surrogate mother are used instead of the intended female parent or the egg donor. Therefore, it means, the surrogate shares her genes with the baby. This is a traditional method of surrogacy.
Seed ART Health, a surrogacy agency in India, assures that you have a successful parenthood experience. We feel proud to help couples to offer the healthiest and fittest surrogates so that their baby is healthy and does not have any genetic diseases.
Why Adoption is a less preferred option than Surrogacy?
A few states do not follow adoption process due to ethical and legal complexities. In a few cases, couples can have their own biological child through surrogacy, which is not possible in the case of adoption. Adoption process involves a lot of legal paperwork which may go overboard, at times, however surrogacy process is smoother on the legal front. When compared to surrogacy process, adoption lacks personal touch. When we talk about adopting a child, unlike surrogacy, the baby may not share emotional and mental traits of the intended parents. While in surrogacy, the baby is formed of the parents genes, so the baby possesses the traits of its parents.
Seed ART Health surrogacy program has a wide-variety of surrogates to offer to the intended parents looking for a surrogate. Surrogate Mother in India prior to becoming a surrogate at Seed ART Health is thoroughly screened medically and psychologically to determine her mental, emotional and psychological health. If the surrogate is fit and healthy, she will be able to carry a baby to full term and deliver a fit baby.