
Seed ART Health Surrogate Screening Process

Seed ART Health is committed to deliver thorough screening of surrogates. The surrogacy process involving the intended parents, surrogate and the fertility clinic occurs in several months and begins with screening and ends at the birth of the baby. Surrogacy is an emotionally rewarding process.

When a surrogate applies for the surrogate application form, her answers are properly checked to determine if she matches the least qualifications to be a surrogate at Seed ART Health. There are number of steps taken into consideration while applying for the surrogate application form including age, place of residence, height and weight. The other essential factors include whether she is capable of producing high-quality eggs, non- habitual smoker and is a mother of at least one child. Diabetes and other pregnancy related detection is also taken into consideration.

If the applicant is considered suitable, she needs to undergo more follow-up questions and information on reproductive history, relationship status, medical and personal history is gathered. She may also be asked questions about her psychological history, travel and childcare availability and health insurance. This information is necessary to complete the criminal background check.

Once the surrogate’s application gets approved, the program coordinator at Seed ART Health will get in touch with her soonest possible. Surrogate mother needs to have an appointment with the ART specialized psychologist. Further, she undergoes IFC’s surrogate screening process.

The purpose of conversation between surrogate and program coordinator is to make the surrogate well-informed about the entire process. The conclusion of the process is given – application to birth. After the face-to-face consultation, she needs to perform necessary paperwork. During the surrogacy process, she signs an agreement with the fertility clinic confirming her becoming a surrogate mother. Unlike other clinics, we completely understand the time and energy involved in the matching process. Hence, we assure that it will not take more than 2 weeks.

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