All you need to know about your eggs
It is a fact that a female is born with 2 million eggs when she is born. But these eggs eventually diminish as she grows older. Women experience menstrual experience in their teenage. During their menstrual cycle, a numbers of eggs are released monthly, therefore, reducing the number of eggs as she grows. You may not know that your body utilizes the best quality eggs first and low quality egg are left alone. This means having a poor egg quality may lead to infertility in women. If you think you have unhealthy eggs and are wanting to have a baby, then don’t fret. Infertility is a treatable disorder. Through this post, you will learn more about your eggs, its quality and how can it be treated.
For infertile women having poor egg quality, we at Seed ART Health provide a comprehensive Egg donor database for our prospective parents. Seed ART Health egg donor program includes healthy and young doctors that will help you have a healthy baby. The egg donor IVF process is a complex process and involves two parties – intended parents and the egg donor. As the eggs of the egg donor are attached to the uterus of the intended mother or the surrogate mother in case of surrogacy with egg donor. Seed ART Health also gives you an option to either choose fresh eggs or frozen eggs.
The frozen eggs IVF India is an effective way to extend your fertility age if you wish to become pregnant in future. The egg donation IVF India has gained huge popularity among the young women who are happily willing to make someone’s parenthood dream a reality.
The cost of donor egg ivf India is affordable and guarantees a successful parenthood experience
What is the quality of your eggs?
Few people think that the chances of becoming pregnant entirely depend upon the number of eggs present. But this is not true. Actually the number of eggs doesn’t matter but the quality of the eggs also has a great impact on the pregnancy chances. The number and quality of eggs both play a vital role in becoming pregnant.
To have healthy eggs, the egg should consist of proper chromosomes having the ability to merge with the sperm. Some eggs do not have enough chromosomes to have a pregnancy.
A healthy egg has mitochondria, which is said to be the energy source of the egg.
As you grow in age, the energy produced by mitochondria will decline. This will result in inability of eggs to fertilize as they may run out of energy and face difficulty in splitting.
What makes your eggs Unhealthy?
An unhealthy egg has poor egg quality. Age is an important factor in determining egg quality. Women in their early 20s or 30s have huge number of good quality eggs. But with age, the quality and quantity of your eggs will decline significantly. Women in 30s or 40s, have more of unhealthy or poor quality eggs.
How can you know your Egg Quality?
If you think you have fertility issues, then you should get yourself checked by your healthcare specialist. Getting a test done will help determine your egg quality. Usually women at the age of 37 need a fertility test done to check their egg quality.
At Seed ART Health, an Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) Levels Test is performed. The antimullerian hormone (AMH) is a hormone released by ovarian follicles responsible for the egg production. This is a blood test done at the time of ongoing menstrual cycle in a women.
Treatments for Poor Egg Quality
If you think you have poor quality eggs then with the help of assisted reproduction technologies, you can have improved egg production to have a healthy baby.
Intake of fertility drugs like clomiphene improves the quality and quantity of your eggs. However, if your eggs are of extremely poor quality, then you can opt for egg donation treatment at Seed ART Health.
For couples seeking young and healthy donors to have their baby, Seed ART Health offers best-quality egg donors to the prospective parents. Seed ART Health warmly welcomes you to have a worthwhile parenthood experience.