
Fresh Donor Eggs Vs Frozen Donor Eggs : Which one is best for you ?

There has been serious discussion in the field of assisted reproduction on why fresh donor eggs are better than frozen eggs. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, You may have less pregnancy chances with frozen eggs compared to fresh eggs. In 2015, a recent study stated that IVF with frozen eggs has reduced birth rates. We have written this article to give you a better understanding on this subject.

Frozen Eggs Vs. Fresh Eggs

More and more women are using IVF treatment through egg donation to have a baby. Egg donor profiles in India are selected among women aged between 20-30 years of age and are used while culturing of embryos that are inserted in the women’s uterus to initiate pregnancy. The excess embryos are cryopreserved for later use.

A few IVF centres created egg donor banks for women to have successful pregnancies. History says that the concept of human eggs fertilization gained popularity when the first IVF baby, Louise Brown was born in the year 1978.

However, egg freezing has simultaneously evolved with the growth in ARTs but there is some risk involved in this process because sometimes the eggs may not be able to withstand the freezing process. It has been discovered that the eggs may not split as expected resulting in negative pregnant result or even miscarriages. When compared to using fresh eggs, there are assured chances of around 10-15 embryos being properly fertilized. Therefore, maximizing pregnancy chances to have a baby.

Also, you can ask a number of questions about the donor profile that you are choosing in regards to the education and family background, which is not possible in the case of using frozen eggs.

According to various IVF specialists, the chances of conception are more with fresh eggs rather than frozen eggs since the eggs may lose it quality while freezing them. However, lesser frozen eggs are used than fresh eggs in a procedure.

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