
Egg Donors Provide Gift to Couple Wanting to Have a Baby

We are going to give a short description about our egg donors and how they feel about being an egg donor for childless couples. A 21-year-old college student, named Asbah was excited to donate her eggs and undergo fertility shots and pills for the egg fertilization process, which were to be retrieved surgically at the end of the fertility cycle.

Asbah said, “It’s one of the biggest decisions of my life I have ever taken. I can produce fertile eggs so why shouldn’t I help couples who cannot have a baby. While she helps a couple, she can also make good money for her education and travel costs. Now, I can successfully build my career.”

Like Asbah, there are hundreds of girls who want to do egg donation to make someone’s parenthood dream come true. A donor, because of the guidelines issued by the ICMR, signed an agreement with an egg donor agency in Delhi to become an egg donor and the process of egg donation has begun.

Seed ART Health, one of the largest egg donation agency in India, keeps the entire process confidential where a couple is not allowed to create connections with the egg donor or vice versa. “I am donating my eggs because I want to be the bless one to give someone the gift of God. This is something that I don’t want back. It is not mine; it is a blessing to be given away,” Neena explained. “I truly wish that the family enjoys it as much as my mom has enjoyed my siblings and me. This is my choice and I am proud to be a part of it.”

At Seed ART Health, we guide our prospective parents, egg donors, and surrogates at every phase of the process. We deeply understand that having a family through egg donation is a serious job, so the privacy remains confidential and held strictly. Our agency approaches all the type of infertility with great sensitivity, respect, and dignity and is committed to provide high success rates.

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