
Egg Donation Process: Medical Procedure and its Success Rates in India

Who needs Donor Eggs ?

Egg donation procedure occurs when a woman donates her eggs for assisted reproduction. If a woman provides her eggs to help the intended parents have a baby by IVF or third-party reproduction, it is called Egg Donation process. When the eggs are collected from the egg donor, they are fertilized and embryo culturing is performed in the laboratory. Once embryo culturing is done, the most suitable embryos are selected and transferred in to the uterus of the intended mother or surrogate.

There are many reasons for people to seek egg donation treatment. A few reasons are mentioned below :

  • Poor ovarian reserve or poor egg quality
  • Previous IVF attempt failures with own eggs
  • Premature menopause
  • Old age
  • Increased risks of genetic abnormalities

How do we match an Egg Donor with the Recipient ?

All our egg donors below 32 years and who have a child of their own are usually preferred. Also, the egg donors are examined through various tests to ensure that they are mentally and physically fit for the egg donation process. The process of egg donation in clinic involves a series of blood tests and genetic screening to maximize successful pregnancy chances.

Our egg donor agency in India gathers all the necessary information from the egg donors to ensure the most suitable match for the donor and recipient.

Egg Donation – Pregnancy Success Rates

In egg donation, the average pregnancy success rates are 25-40 % per cycle. This is a little more than the success rates of conventional IVF.

We completely understand the time and efforts it takes to become an egg donor and we promise to take utmost care of all the donors with all the respect they deserve. We promise to make your parenthood journey – a successful and highly rewarding one.

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