
What are the Qualifications to be a Surrogate Mother in India?

To become a surrogate mother needs huge courage and determination in a woman. It is a life-changing decision for the family you are building. To help someone have a baby by becoming a surrogate shows your generous and noble nature.

Who is a good Surrogate ?

A perfect surrogate mother has 2 qualities – compassion and commitment.

The surrogates that are a part our program express us that how satisfying it is to help the intended parents achieve parenthood. Many women are becoming surrogate mothers not just to offer parenthood but to benefit her family as well. No matter what is the reason, Seed ART Health is at your service to give you the best experience – from birth till post-delivery – a worthwhile one. We are here to help you at every step of this process.

Our surrogates are greatly compensated and are respected for their noble intention of fulfilling someone’s parenthood dreams.

A few major criteria for becoming a surrogate mother are as follows :

  • Aged between 21-35 years old
  • BMI (Body Mass Index) between 18-34 years
  • Must have given birth to and be raising at least one child
  • Non-smoker and non-alcoholic
  • No history of clinical mental illness
  • No history of criminal activity
  • A stable and responsible lifestyle

If you are ready to experience the wonderful journey of a surrogate mother, we are here to support at every phase of this journey.

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